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首页 > 团队队伍 > 教师 > 固体废物控制与资源化教研所 > 正文







1992.09—1994.10 中国地质大学(北京) 水资源与bat365官方网页版 博士

1978.09—1985.08 长春地质学院 水工系 学士,硕士



2011.01—现在 bat365官方网页版 教授,所长,系主任

2002.01—2011.01 bat365在线平台app 环境科学与工程系 教授

1995.02—2002.01 bat365在线平台app 环境科学与工程系 副教授

2004.04—2007.06 bat365在线平台app 环境科学与工程系 副系主任

2001.04—2004.04 bat365在线平台app 环境科学与工程系 党委副书记

1988.09—1990.02 荷兰王国自由大学 访问学者


1. 研究生基础课:多孔介质污染物迁移动力学(bat365在线平台app精品课)

2. 英语课程:Integrated solid waste management


1.1997.06—今 联合国环境署巴塞尔公约亚太区域中心培训部副主任

2. Journal of Hydrology, Associate Editor, Board member


1. 固体废物填埋处置技术

2. 固体废物堆肥化技术

2. 有机废物能源转化技术

4. 污染场地治理和多孔介质污染物迁移模拟




1. 环保部公益专项项目:固体废物处置设施环境安全评价技术研究

2. 国家863计划课题:含氯代有机物工业废物处理技术研究与示范

3. 国家自然科学基金项目:淋洗结合共掺杂改性TiO2太阳光光催化修复氯代憎水性有机物污染土壤技术研究

4. 国家重大水专项课题:昆明主城区污染物综合减排与水质保障关键技术研究与示范之污泥与绿化废物协同快速堆肥技术

5. 国家重大水专项课题:产业密集型城镇水环境综合整治技术研究与示范子任务污泥无害化处置和资源化利用技术研究


1. “滇池流域面源污染控制技术研究”获得教育部科技进步一等奖,第3获奖人,2006









1. 王洪涛编著,《多孔介质污染物迁移动力学》,北京:高等教育出版社,2008(国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助,bat365在线平台app优秀教材一等奖)

2. 王洪涛、陆文静主编,《农业固体废物处理处置与资源化技术》,北京:中国环境科学出版社,2006年

3. 陈吉宁,李广贺,王洪涛,黄霞等著《流域面源污染控制技术-以滇池流域为例》,北京:中国环境科学出版社,2009

4. 李金惠、王琪、王洪涛编著,《危险废物管理与处理处置技术》,化学工业出版社,2003

5. 聂永丰主编,《三废处理工程技术手册-固体废物卷》,国家“95”重点图书,化学工业出版社,2000,作者之一



1. Hongtao Wang, Jinwen Liu, Yan Zhao, Wenjing Lu, Huayong Wu. Stepwise superposition approach for the analytical solutions of multi-dimensional contaminant transport in finite- and semi-infinite aquifers. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 125(1-4): 86-101, 2011.

2. Hongtao Wang, Rong Han, Yan Zhao, Wenjing Lu, Yaxin Zhang. Stepwise superposition approximation approach for analytical solutions with non-zero initial concentration using existing solutions of zero initial concentration in contaminate transport. Journal of Environmental Science, 23(6): 923-930, 2011.

3. Huayong Wu, Zeyu Zhou, Yaxin Zhang, Tan Chen, Hongtao Wang, Wenjing Lu. Fluorescence-based Rapid Assessment of the Biological Stability of Landfilled Municipal Solid Waste. Bioresource Technology, 110: 174-183, 2012.

4. Rong Han, Jinwen Liu, Yuancheng Zhang, Xiaoqian Fan, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang. Dewatering and granulation of sewage sludge by biophysical drying and thermo-degradation performance of prepared sludge particles during succedent fast pyrolysis. Bioresource Technology, 107: 429-436, 2012.

5. Chi Zifang, Wang Hongtao, Lu Wenjing, Zhu Yong, Long Yuyang, Zhao Yan. Diversity of methanotrophs in simulated landfill biocover reactor as revealed by PCR-DGGE. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 24:1076-1082, 2012.

6. Xiaojie Sun, Dunqiu Wang, Wenjing Lu and Hongtao Wang. Characteristics of night soil and leaf co-composting using aerobic static method. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China, 6(3): 421-427, 2012.

7. Yan Zhao, Thomas H. Christensen, Wenjing Lu, Huayong Wu, Hongtao Wang. Environmental impact assessment of solid waste management in Beijing City, China. Waste Management, 31(4): 793-799, 2011.

8. Yuyang Long, Dongsheng Shen, Hongtao Wang, Wenjing Lu, Yan Zhao. Heavy metal source analysis in municipal solid waste: Case study on Cu and Zn. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186(2-3): 1082-1087, 2011.

9. Jinwen Liu, Rong Han, Hongtao, Wang. Photoassisted degradation of pentachlorophenol in a simulated soil washing system containing nonionic surfactant Triton X-100 with La-B codoped TiO2 under visible and solar light irradiation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 103: 470-478, 2011.

10. Chenxi Zhao Dimitar Karakashev, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang, Irini Angelidaki. Xylose fermentation to biofuels (hydrogen and ethanol) by extreme thermophilic (70 oC) mixed culture. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35: 3415- 3422, 2010.

11. Yan Zhao, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang, Dong Li. Combined supercritical and subcritical process for cellulose hydrolysis to fermentable hexoses, Environmental Science & Technology, 43(5): 1565-1570, 2009.

12. Hongtao WANG, Huayong WU. Analytical solutions of three-dimensional contaminant transport in uniform flow field in porous media: A library. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China, 3(1): 112-128, 2009.

13. Yan Zhao, Hongtao Wang, Wenjing Lu, Anders Damgaard, Thomas H. Christensen. Life cycle assessment of the municipal solid waste management system in Hangzhou, China (EASEWASTE). Waste Management and Research, 27(4): 399–406, 2009.

14. Chenxi Zhao, Sompong O-Thong, Dimitar Karakashev, Irini Angelidaki, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang. High yield simultaneous hydrogen and ethanol production under extreme thermophilic (70℃) mixed culture environment. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34(14):5657-5665, 2009.

15. Yan Zhao, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang, Jinlong Yang. Fermentable hexose production from corn stalks and wheat straw with combined supercritical and subcritical hydrothermal technology, Bioresource Technology, 100(23): 5884-5889, 2009.

16. Wejing Lu, Hongtao Wang. Aromatic compound degradation by iron reducing bacteria isolated from irrigated tropical paddy soils. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 20:1487-1493, 2008.

17. Baoguo Tian, Jitao Si, Yanzhao Zhao, Hongtao Wang, Jiming Hao. Approach of technical decision-making by element flow analysis and Monte-Carlo simulation of municipal solid waste stream. Journal of Environmental Science, 19(5):633-640, 2007.

18. Jitao Si, Baoguo Tian, Hongtao Wang, Nicholas Basta, Jackie Schroder, Mark Casillas. Assessing availability, phytotoxicity and bioaccumulation of lead to ryegrass and millet based on the 0.1 mol/L Ca(NO3)2 extraction. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 18(5): 958-963, 2006.

19. Dong Li, Jie Zhang, Hongtao Wang, Lixue Chen, Hao Wang. Application of Biological Process to Treat the Groundwater with High Concentration of Iron and Manganese. Journal of AQUA, 55 (5): 313-320, 2006.

20. Hongtao Wang, Enzhi Wang, Kaiming Tian. A model coupling discrete and continuum fracture domains for groundwater flow in fractured media. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 42(extra): 58-66, 2004.

21. Hongtao Wang, Yongfeng Nie. Municipal solid waste characteristics and management in China. Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 51: 250-263, 2001.

22. Hongtao Wang, Yongfeng Nie. Remedial strategies for municipal solid waste management in China. Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 51: 264-272, 2001.


1. 王洪涛、张相锋、周辉宇、聂永丰:一种新型有机废物堆肥仓强制通风系统,03119303.X

2. 张相锋、王洪涛、周辉宇、聂永丰:好氧堆肥温度反馈通风的半自动控制方法,03119301.3

3. 陆文静、王洪涛:木质纤维素类废物堆肥化复合菌剂,200611021310.2

4. 陆文静、王洪涛、杨仕建:可控孔径聚丙烯酰胺大孔凝胶常温制备技术,200611020160.X

5. 王洪涛、陆文静、殷勇、王昊:填埋场固体废物水力参数的直接测定方法及其专用设备,CN101025412

6. 陆文静、王洪涛、牟子申、迟子芳、朱勇:用于生活垃圾填埋场温室气体减排的覆盖层自充氧系统,200910090356.8

7. 赵岩、王洪涛、陆文静:生物质超临界亚临界组合连续式预处理与水解设备及方法,200910088895.8

8. 赵岩、王洪涛、陆文静:一种采用可溶性纤维低聚糖制取六碳糖的亚临界水解方法,CN101845523A

9. 王洪涛、阳金龙、杜琼、李东、赵岩、陆文静、韩融:一种测定多孔基质空气温湿度及氧气和氨气浓度的一体化检测仪,201010268644.0

10. 王洪涛、吴华勇、陈坦、赵岩:一种现场测量填埋堆体气体渗透系数的方法发明专利,201010542580.9

11. 王洪涛、阳金龙、韩融:一种污泥生物物理联合干燥装置,201120200328.X

12. 王洪涛、韩融、阳金龙:一种连续流污泥生物—物理联合干化方法及装置,201010237297.5

13. 孙晓杰、王洪涛、陆文静等:一处理垃圾渗滤液的方法及其专业装置,200810102861.5

14. 王洪涛:流网分析与质点示踪软件(FlowC v1.0),2007SRBJ0671

15. 王洪涛:多孔介质水流和污染物迁移解析解软件(FlowCAS v1.0),BJ23694